Thursday, February 09, 2006

plant visit = car picnic

the day was very very cold. i had three socks worn at each foot while sleeping and when i woke up at 7am, my feet were dead freezing. it was very cooooold!!! Anyway, Thursdays were meant to be my day of rest since I had no class during this day. Today was different because we had a plant visit at Intel and had to meet up at the Petron Gas station at SLEX for convoy 8:30 in the morning. 5 people in class brought cars to transport each and everyone of us to intel which was at General Trias, Cavite. We, mah IEGURLS, plus dianne and richelle, rode vida's car. as planned, each of us on the car was assigned to bring food for the trip. yeah we did bring! we brought food good for atleast 3 good meals, infact. Well, for me it was! we ate... and ate... and ate... the exact cycle was 1.) think of a good place to eat 2.) think of the food to eat 3.) eat! and after that, the cycle starts all over again. we had some picnic going around, only, we were inside a car. even though it was hard to eat due to unfomfortable eating positions, we were all at peace while feasting on some burritos, chicken pies, tikoy-de-turon, and some chichiria and desserts. i was stuffed but i admit that nothing else comes to mind than food. i was even longing for a coffee break to go along with some donuts and food for the gods that we brought for snacks... even just right after i've gobbled on them! hence, we stopped over at caltex starbucks to swig some c-o-f-f-e-e!!! yey! how takaw could i get?!!

on saturday, we will be having our LASARET -slash- lasallian retreat! oh no! it must be food madness again! haha! ready - get set - munch! =)


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